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19989月―20018, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,运筹学,获博士学位。

专 业运筹学、管理学



19937月—199511月, 曲阜师范大学,助教;



200112月——, 曲阜师范大学,教授;

20019月—200312, 南京师范大学博士后;





● 2015,国务院特殊津贴专家;

● 2017,济宁市“五一”劳动奖章;

● 2017,山东省优秀科技工作者。








● 20137月―201310月,Curtin大学(澳大利亚)数学与统计系,访问教授;





● 202201-202401,最优化理论与方法,山东省优质研究生精品课程。

● 202101202412,复杂环境下库存优化理论与算法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目.

● 202111202311依托“运筹+冷链学科优势,构建物流管理专业“一核双翼型课程体系,山东省本科生教革项目.

● 201912202212,运筹学专业研究生问题驱动型教学模式探究——以《最优化方法》课程为例,山东省研究生教改项目,重点培育.

● 201701202012,数据挖掘中的稀疏张量优化方法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目.

● 201201201512,张量分解方法及其在医学成像中的应用, 国家自然科学基金面上项目.

● 201201201412, 张量优化方法及其应用,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项基金(博导类).

● 200801201012,多项式优化及其在信号处理中的应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目.

● 200712200912,多项式优化的理论与算法研究, 教育部归国留学基金,2.


● 200401200612,变分不等式问题的二次投影迭代算法,山东省自然科学基金.

● 200001200212,图的星着色与空间曲面上最优局址问题研究,山东省自然科学基金.


● 2021,偏对称张量协正优化问题的研究,山东省研究生优秀成果二等奖,指导教师.

● 2019, 张量优化问题的理论与算法研究,山东省自然科学三等奖,3人第一.

● 2011,均衡优化问题的数值方法研究,山东省自然科学二等奖,5人第一.

● 2007,变分不等式与互补问题的非内点和投影算法研究,中国高校科学技术二等奖(自然科学),4人第三.

● 2002,最优化方法及其应用研究,中国高校科学技术(自然科学)二等奖,6人第四.

● 2000,非线性规划与组合优化问题研究,山东省自然科学三等奖,5人第二.

● 2006,广义互补问题的优化转化形式及其应用, 山东省优秀硕士论文(指导教师)

● 2013,几类非线性问题的数值算法研究, 山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果三等奖(指导教师)


编委: Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2020——


Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization, 2007,4(3).

Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 36(2).

Pacific Journal of Optimization2022,18 (1).



邵伟,王宜举, 概率论与数理统计,中国科技大学出版社,2017



1. Yiju Wang,On the block independence in reflexive inner inverse and M-P inverse of block matrix, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,19(1998)407-415.

2. Gguogang Gao,Yiju Wang,Huishan Zhou,Star chromatic numbers of some planar graphs, Journal of Graph Theory,27(1998)33-42.

3. Yiju Wang,Naihua Xiu,Changyu Wang,Unified framework of extragradient-type methods for pseudo monotone variational inequalities,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 111(2001)641-656.

4. Yiju Wang,Naihua XiuChangyu Wang,A new version of extragradient method for variational inequalities,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,42(2001)969-979.

5. 王宜举,王长钰,A descent method for complementarity problems, 运筹学学报, 5(2001).

6. Yiju Wang,Changyu Wang,Naihua Xiu,A family of super-memory gradient projection methods for constrained optimization,Optimization, 51(2002)889-905.

7. 王宜举, 变分不等式问题的一个外梯度投影算法,计算数学,24(2002).

8. 王宜举, Star criticality of graphs, 数学进展,31(2002).

9. Yiju Wang,Naihua Xiu,Jianzhong ZhangModified extragradient-type method for variational inequa lities and verification of the existence of solutions,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 119(2003)167-183.

10. M.A.Noor,Yiju Wang,Naihua Xiu,Some projection methods for variational inequalities, Applied Mathematics and Computation,137(2003)423-435.

11. Yiju Wang,Wwenyu Sun, Theoretical and numerical comparison on double projection methods for variational inequalities,System Science and Complexity, 16(2003).

12. Naihua Xiu,Yiju Wang,Xiangsun Zhang,Modified fixed-point equations and related iterative methods for variational inequalities,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 47(2004)913-920.

13. Yiju Wang,Houchun ZhouChangyu Wang,A regularization Newton method for mixed complementa- rity problems,ACTA Mathematica Scientia, 24(2004)376-384.

14. Yiju Wang,Fengming Ma,Jianzhong Zhang,A nonsmooth L-M method for solving the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone,Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 52(2005)73-92.

15. Yiju Wang,Xinzhen Zhang,Liqun Qi, Unconstrained optimization reformulation of the generalized complementarity problem,Optimization,54(2005)563-577.

16. Yiju Wang,Liqun Qi,On the successive supersymmetric rank-1 decomposition of higher-order supersymmetric tensors,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,14(2007)503-519.

17. Chuanwei Wang,Yiju Wang,Chuanliang Xu,A projection method for a system of nonlinear monotone equations with convex constraints,Mathematical Method of Operations Research, 66(2007)33-46.

18. Guyan Ni,Liqun Qi,Fei Wang,Yiju Wang,The degree of the E-characteristic polynomial of an even order tensor,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,329(2007) 1218-1229.

19. Guyan Ni,Yiju Wang, On the best rank-1 approximation to higher-order symmetric tensors, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,46(2007)1345-1352.

20. Liqun Qi,Yiju Wang,Ed X.Wu,D-eigenvalues of diffusion kurtosis tensors,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics221(2008)150-157.

21. Liqun Qi,Fei Wang,Yiju Wang,Z-eigenvalue methods for a global polynomial optimization problem, Mathematical Programming,118(2009)301-316.

22. Chuanwei Wang,Yiju Wang, A superlinearly convergent projection method for constrained systems of nonlinear equations,Journal of Global Optimization,40(2009)283-296.

23. Hongchun Sun,Yiju Wang,Liqun Qi,Global error bound for the generalized linear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,142(2009)417-429.

24. Yiju Wang,Liqun Qi,Xinzhen Zhang,A practical method for computing the largest M-eigenvalue of a fourth-order partially symmetric tensor, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 16(2009)589-601.

25. Yiju Wang,Hongyu Zhang, A modified projection method for solving linear feasibility problems, International Journal of  Automation and Computing, 6(2009)401-405.

26. Liqun Qi,Xiaojiao Tong,Yiju Wang, Computing power system parameters to maximize the small signal stability margin based on min-max models, Optimization and Engineering,10(2009) 465-476.

27. Fengming Ma,Yiju Wang,Hongge Zhao,A potential reduction method for the generalized linear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone, Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization, 6(2010)259-267.

28. 王宜举,一类齐次多项式优化问题的一个全局优化算法,应用数学学报, 33(2010) 328-327.

29. Yiju Wang,G.L.Zhou,L.Caccetta,W.Q.Liu, An alternative Lagrange-dual based algorithm for sparse signal reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,59(2011)1895-1901.

30. Haibin Chen,Yiju Wang, A family of higher-order convergent iterative methods for computing the MoorePenrose inverse,Applied Mathematics and Computation218(2011)4012-4016.

31. Haibin Chen,Yiju Wang,Hongge ZhaoFinite convergence of a projected proximal point algorithm for generalized variational inequalitiesOperations Research Letters40(2012) 303-305.

32. 魏涛,王宜举,华国伟,带全量价格折扣的供应商最低免费用订货批量研究,中国管理科学,20 (2012)70-77.

33. Hongchun Sun,Yiju Wang,Further Discussion on the error bound for generalized LCP over a polyhedral coneJournal of Optimization Theory and Applications,159(2013)93-107.

34. 王宜举,孟凡秀, 基于价格折扣的有条件延期支付策略研究,控制与决策29(2014)1413-1418.

35. Yiju Wang, Liqun Qi, Shunlong Luo and Yi Xu, An alternative steepest direction method for optimization in evaluating geometric discord,Pacific Journal of Optimization,10(2014) 137-149.

36. Yiju Wang,Louis Caccetta,Guanglu Zhou,Convergence analysis of a block improvement method for polynomial optimization over unit spheres,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22(2015)1059-1076.

37. Yiju Wang Wanquan Liu Louis Caccetta,Guanglu ZhouParameter selection for nonnegative l1 matrix/tensor sparse decomposition, Operations Research Letters, 43(2015)423-426.

38. Yiju Wang,Xuefang Sun,Fanxiu Meng, On the conditional and partial trade credit policy with capital constraints: a Stackelberg model, Applied Mathematical Modelling,40(2016) 1-18.

39. Yiju Wang,Guanglu Zhou,Louis Caccetta, Nonsingular H-Tensor and its Criteria,Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization,12(2016)1173-1186.

40. Kaili Zhang,Yiju Wang, An H-tensor based iterative scheme for identifying the positive definiteness of multivariate homogeneous forms,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 305(2016)1-10.

41. Yiju Wang,Kaili Zhang,Hongchun Sun,Criteria for strong H-tensors,Frontiers of Mathematics in China,11(2016)577-592.

42. Min Sun,Yiju Wang, J.Liu,Generalized Peaceman-Rachford splitting method for multi-block separable convex programming with applications to robust PCA,Calcolo54(2017)77-94.

43. Yiju Wang,Guanglu Zhou,A hybrid second-order method for homogenous polynomial optimization over unit sphere,Journal of Operational Research Society of China, 5(2017) 99-109.

44. Yiju Wang,Hengxia Gao,Wei Xing,Optimal replenishment and stocking strategies for inventory mechanism with a dynamically stochastic short-term price discount,Journal of Global Optimization,70(2018)27-53.

45. Haibin Chen,Yiju Wang,High-order copositive tensors and its applications,Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,8(2018)1863-1885.

46. Qiuling Hou,Jinxin Zhang,Liming Liu,Yiju Wang,Ling Jing,Discriminative information based nonparallel support vector machine,Signal Processing,162(2019)169-179.

47. Qiuling Hou,Yiju Wang,Ling Jing,Haibin Chen,Linear discriminant analysis based on Kernel- based possibilistic C-means for hyperspectral images,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,16(2019)1259-1263.

48. Wenjie Wang, Haibin Chen, Yiju Wang , A new C-eigenvalue interval for piezoelectric-type tensors,Applied Mathematics Letters, 100(2020)106035.

49. Yiju Wang,Wei Xing,Hengxia Gao,Optimal ordering policy for inventory mechanism with a stochastic short-term price discount,Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization, 16(2020)1187-1202.

50. Xueyong Wang,Yiju Wang, Gang Wang, An accelerated augmented Lagrangian method for multi-criteria optimization problem,Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization, 16(2020)1-9.

51. Yiju Wang,Manman Dong,Yi Xu, A sparse rank-1 approximation algorithm for high-order tensors,Applied Mathematics Letters, 102 (2020) 106140.

52. Chunyan Wang, Haibin Chen,Yiju Wang, On copositiveness identification of partially symmetric rectangular tensors,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 372 (2020)112678.

53. Hongchun Sun,Yiju Wang,Shengjie Li,Min Sun,An improvement on the global error bound estimation for ELCP and its applications, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 42(2021)644-670.

54. Jingfu Huang,Gaoke Wu,Yiju Wang, Retailers emergency ordering policy when facing an impending supply disruption.Sustainability,13(2021)7041.

55. Haodong Chen,Hongchun Sun,Yiju Wang, A complementarity model and algorithm for direct multi-commodity flow supply chain network equilibrium problem,Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization,17(2021)2217-2242.

56. Yiju Wang Donglei Du, Jingfu Huang, Optimal replenishment strategy for inventory mechanism with step-shaped demand,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,190(2021) 841-860

57. Qiuling Hou,Yiju Wang,Cuiling Li,Semisupervised linear discriminant analysis based on pairwise constraint propagation for hyperspectral images,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,18(2021)1801-1805.

58. Haibin Chen, Liqun Qi,Yiju Wang, Guanglu Zhou, Further results on sum-of-squares tensors, Optimization Methods and Software,37(2022)387-403.

59. Hongchun Sun, Yiju Wang, A complementarity model and algorithm for multi-commodity flow supply chain network equilibrium with random demands,Engineering Optimization, 54 (2022) 1668-1691.

60. Haibin ChenHongjin HeYiju WangGuanglu ZhouAn efficient alternating minimization method for fourth degree polynomial optimizationJournal of Global Optimization82(2022) 83-103.

61. Haibin Chen,Liqun Qi,Yiju Wang,Guanglu Zhou,Further results on sum-of-squares tensors,  

Optimization Methods and Software, 37(2022)387-403

62. Zhuo Dai, Yiju Wang, A production and inventory model for deteriorating items with
two-level partial trade credit and stochastic demand in a supply chain,

63. Fenglei Tian, Yiju Wang,On the multiplicity of positive eigenvalues of a graph, Linear Algebra and its Applications,652(2022)105-124.

64. Wenjie WangHaibin ChenYiju WangGuanglu ZhouA proximal alternating minimization algorithm for the largest C-eigenvalue of piezoelectric-type tensorsJournal of Global Optimization2023

65. Haitao Che, Yaru Zhuang,Yiju Wang, Haibin Chen,A relaxed inertial and viscosity method for split feasibility problem and applications to image recovery, Journal of Global Optimization2023.
